

Do you want to give back to your community but not sure how to do it? Here are a few ways to do it… 

Community Collaboration
Business owners are a vital part of the communities in which they live and their work thrive. Thus, their decisions impact others in the community. A local business owner can be involved in the community. For instance, they may sponsor local little league teams, donate to cities homeless shelters, take part in community charity events or contribute to a local non-profit organization, so on and so forth.

Innovation and Competition
Businesses need to stand out from the crowd in order to survive and serving the community is one of the ways to do it. They must serve the needs in the community and do it better than their rivals. Having multiple small businesses all striving to be unique and better can result in a healthy maker place and well-served customer.

Create Local Jobs
Businesses play a very important role in creating local jobs. The benefit of local jobs is that the employees can work closer to where they live and won’t need to travel to another city or place. Businesses can also partner with and help small local businesses that can be beneficial for fellow community members who work at them.

When a community has an operational commercial center, it also creates great opportunities for local people to shop at other local small businesses. They buy lunch or dinner from local restaurants, run errands on their break, and grab drinks from local bars. This keeps money rolling local and further creates a tight-knit community vibe.
There are numerous ways in which brands can contribute for the wellbeing of the community. In a nutshell, our community can help our company to grow as much as a business helps the community to become stronger. All in all, we should always remember, no matter how you do it, giving back can ignite change and positive impact, and will make your company as well as your community better, smarter and stronger.

By Ayesha Ahmed 06 Mar, 2017
Writing content is a task in it self, and keeping it fresh and up to the mark is something that the content writers struggle from time to time. In this situation, you need to sit down and review some key points about your content and analyze where you can improve to get going again. Here, we will give you some tips on how to do that. Your content normally revolves around sales enablement, eBooks, white papers, and blog posts. With so many things to cover it sure does meant to get overwhelming at times. With the deadlines fast approaching, it gets even difficult to be more creative with your work since you have to get the job done quick. Bland content is not only hard for your readers to digest but also not really inspiring for you either. Research is the key. Stay updated. Keep checking out new trends and embed them in your content. That way your content stays fresh and contemporary. It’s important to keep evaluating, optimizing, and adjusting. One other problem content curators face is the monotony. Your readers get bored since you’re either repeating your content or following a certain unattractive pattern. Worry not. Alter your strategy. Look closely at your content. You might realize that it’s actually not the content but the way you structure it. Try restructuring it. Try changing the format. If you think that your content is flat, try to add some flare to it by adding infographics. That will spice it up. If your podcast is not doing as well as it should, try transcribing it into a blog or even better try adding some visual element to it to spice it up. That will surely catch the attention of your customers. Add some fun images to your blog. Make it livelier. Make it stand out and be more attractive. Add some interaction to your content. Give your audience creative content forms. That way you will keep your audience engaged. You need to keep shifting and adjusting your content strategy in order to keep it fresh and engaging for your audience. Sticking to this formula and your readers will never get bored.
By Ayesha Ahmed 15 Dec, 2016
You put in hours in putting up your website online. Your sole purpose to put it up in the digital realm is to attract visitors to it and eventually make it a hot source for lead generation. But what good is your website if the search engine doesn’t even know what it’s about and it fails to appear in the results that you would want to see it? Content optimization is the answer to this debacle. Optimize is the keyword. You’ve got to ensure that your web presence is fully optimize to leverage the best internet has on offer. But wait. Optimization just in the name of beefing up the pages in order to be more visible to that bot? Is that the real motive behind optimizing your website? If that’s the case then you must read on, this is for you. Optimization is not merely about getting it right with meta data and the web crawlers. Today, search engine bots are smarter than we think. You can’t just go about cramming X number of keywords umpteen times in a single paragraph. You content’s meta should be legible i.e. it should make sense when your website’s visitor hovers their pointer on it. The text that reads when your website’s visitor hovers their mouse over it matters, matters a lot. It matters because search engine’s web crawler is comparing it with what your competitor is putting in in their website. It orders it according to the relevancy of the content when it displays the search results. Hence, it’s imperative that you ensure your website is being handled by a professional outfit that knows the intricacies and pros and cons of the digital world. When going through the meta tags and page content for the various pages, ask yourself over and over: Does that make sense? Does the keyword belong there, or am I going out of my way to put it in there? Does this accurately describe, in an artful way, what my page or site is about? For the content modules on each page: Do they give the reader the information they need? Also, is the information clear and concise? Finally, is the content correct? So, here you go, we’ve laid down the essential basics for you to get it right when it comes to creating meaningful content on your website. Content that not only gives you more visibility on line but also ensures that authentic traffic is diverted to you digital abode.
By Ayesha Ahmed 10 Nov, 2016
Having a huge lot of subscribers on your email marketing list is good but it won’t be great if 75% of your email list is inactive. This is a worrying statistic, as it means that three quarters of your subscriber base may not currently be engaging with your marketing content. It’s about time that you indulged in email marketing reactivation and re-engagement. Reactivation is aimed at attempting to reintroduce lapsed subscribers to your content and re-engaging their interest in your brand, most commonly by creating a specific strategy and utilising specific content that aims to bring people back into your pool of active customers. You need to win your subscribers back on to your email list as active subscribers who actually pay heed to what is sent to them through emails in the shape of the communication from your side. Fair enough, the content has to be engaging itself to win them back but you’ve got to ensure that the frequency of the emails is not compromised. You’ve not only got to stay in touch with your subscribers through a constant dose of related communication but you’ve also got to make sure that your content is engaging enough and is related to your subscribers interests. Email reactivation strategy is normally skipped when the email marketing strategy is being devised as a part of overall digital strategy of a business. There are many elements and variables involved in the process of creating an email marketing reactivation strategy. Email reactivation’s potential to create impact for brands in any sector should not be underestimated. There could be three or four major reasons why your email marketing strategy is not panning out as well as it should. It might be the case that your content is failing to connect with your subscribers. Hence they either unsubscribe or become dormant until you revisit your email marketing strategy and come up with content that really strikes a chord with those subscribers. Generic subject lines is another reason why your email marketing suffers. Try to be as innovative as you can when coming up with subject lines for your emails. Try and be imaginative and innovative so that the receiver opens your email. One reason that’s really somewhat beyond your control but can be treated and fixed is when your emails start getting filtered or routed to spam. Again it’s really the content and subject line that can save your email from going to waste. So all in all, email reactivation and reengagement strategy should really be a part of your email marketing strategy right from the start when you’re devising your company’s digital strategy and should not be ignored. Once this is achieve then you might not even have to think about readjusting your content for reactivation.
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